What should I say?

Proven templates for tough situations and requests.

All Customer service Getting clients Partnerships Pitching Sales Work issues Response to backlash
Template of a personal statement to widespread backlashNew1 templateNew
Looking sad in the midst of backlash to something you did
Hang in there, you will get through this
How to announce you are removing or downgrading product features1 template
Plucking a flower pedal to symbolize removing a product feature
First step, be clear about what's changing
How to reply to good and bad online reviews6 templates
Nervously checking online reviews in a yoga position
Checking online reviews be like
Cold emails to slide into someone's inbox5 templates
Penguin sliding on ice to represent sliding into someone's inbox with a cold email
Don't mind me, just sliding into your inbox
Freelance dry spell? How to land paid work fast4 templates
A plant sprouting through a crack in the pavement to represent landing paid work after a dry spell
Money can grow anywhere you water it
How to sincerely apologize for bad customer experiences1 template, 1 example
Cat with begging hands to represent apologizing to a customer
We made a mistake
How to give feedback to a colleague over a minor, repeat issue1 template
​Man looking astonished at a long piece of paper stretched over a desk, to lightheartedly represent a list of complaints about a coworker
Here's everything you do that bothers me
How to follow up during the sales process to keep the momentum going3 templates
Sponebob looking excited at an annoyed Squidward walking by, this is what happens when you follow up without giving them a  compelling reason to reply
Just checking in, your mom asked me to
Influencers: how to reach out for paid collabs without getting ignored1 template
A woman excitedly holding up a pen, to lightheartedly represent influencers being able to sell anything
Look how hyped I am holding a pen, imagine me with your product!
Proven cold email templates to get new clients5 templates
Man celebrating with money falling, to represent closing a new client
Make it rain, by proactively reaching out to clients
Partnership email templates to collaborate with influencers3 templates
Let's collab!
How to cold pitch investors and raise a seed round4 templates
🎡 Take a chance on me πŸŽ΅
Land press coverage, even if your product or story is "boring"5 templates
A team of coworkers celebrating landing press coverage
You and your team after getting featured πŸ˜€
How to follow up to revive prospects gone cold5 templates
An ice sculpture of a man, to lightheartedly represent a prospect gone cold
Meet my prospect gone cold
How to ask for client referrals, without feeling awkward4 templates
A dog looking up with a dopey expression to lightheartedly represent needing a big favor
I'm gonna cut to the chase, I need a big favor
Got something to sell? Try a letter style sales email2 templates
The shut up and take my money meme to represent what a great sales email can do
Uplevel your sales game

Are Art of Say templates AI written?

No, we write them ourselves.

AI is helpful for coming up with ideas and outlines but when it comes to the actual writing, it uses a lot of buzzwords and slick phrases. "Human centered innovation", "we deeply apologize for the inconvenience", "words cannot express how much this means to me".

People don't really talk like this. Rather they might say "People are at the heart of what we do". "We're really sorry this happened". "Wow I'm touched, thank you".

However there's a notion that a message that's sophisticated must be good, so AI writing seems passable. Except, in many cases, what really matters when you're talking to people is how it makes them feel.

If what you said doesn't sound very sincere or human, it's much harder to get through.

How can I use the templates?

The templates are word by word examples that show you the phrasing and tone of an approach so you can easily adapt them. We find descriptions or theories of the key points, without written out examples, can be harder to follow, since there are so many ways you can say something.

You can edit the templates are Art of Say, referencing the explanations of key points as you go, and paste them into your document editor or email. Or you can directly copy and paste a template into your document editor or email and customize it there.